Some Have Seen Spirits
The Fresno Flats Historical Village and Park has had many a claim of ghost and spirit sightings throughout the years. The big yellow Laramore-Lyman house is fabled to have the ghosts of Mr. and Mrs. Laramore in residence, who have been heard running up the steps to the third floor when visitors enter their home. Images of children in 19th-century attire have also been spotted in and around schoolhouse, as well as playing around the park.
The most famous spirit of Fresno Flats is “Pete,” a 12-year-old child who tends to materialize to visiting kids in order to play with them. Animal spirits have also been photographed and spotted on the grounds. If you take a guided tour, make sure you ask about the ghost and spirit activity of the park!

Check out this episode of Haunted Discoveries filmed on our properties!